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I will do python data mining, web scraping and automation using selenium

I will do python data mining, web scraping and automation using selenium

Seleniumwas initially a tool created to test a website's behavior, but it quickly became a general web browser automation tool used in web-scraping and other automation tasks. This tool is quite widespread and is capable of automating different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and even Internet Explorer

Get I will do python data mining, web scraping and automation using selenium

Hello! I am a very experienced programmer with with having a lot of fluency in python and have done a lot of projects it. I have a very good knowledge of most of the libraries with that programming language. It has been more than 5+ years since I started my programming journey.

I am fluent in;

  • numpy,matplotlib, opencv
  • selenium, beautifulsoup, playwritght
  • many more..

Programming services I provide in Python:

  • Object oriented programming
  • Modular(procedural) programming
  • Data structures programming
  • GUI apps
  • Console Apps
  • UML diagrams
  • Algorithm design and implementation
  • Tutoring for different projects
  • Python automation and web scraping

There are many resources available online for learning Python, both free and paid. Some of them are interactive courses that let students practice coding and get feedback, such as CodeAcademy and W3Schools1. 

Others are video lectures, written materials, and code exercises provided by Google1. 

For those who prefer to read books, there are free ebooks like A Byte of Python2 and Automate the Boring Stuff with Python2, as well as paid books like Python Crash Course3.

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Here are some other resources you might find helpful:
  • The official website for Python has a wealth of information on learning Python, including tutorials and documentation4.
  • Real Python: This website offers a variety of tutorials on Python programming, including web development and data science4
Free resources are often available online and include things like tutorials, videos, and documentation. They can be a great way to get started with Python programming and learn the basics. Paid resources, on the other hand, often offer more in-depth content and may include things like interactive coding exercises, quizzes, and projects. They may also offer more personalized support from instructors or mentors.

That being said, there are many high-quality free resources available online that can help you learn Python programming. It’s important to find the resources that work best for you and your learning style.

There are many paid resources available for learning Python, including online courses, books, and video tutorials. Some popular paid resources include Fiverr These platforms offer a wide range of courses on Python programming at various levels of difficulty.

In addition to these platforms, there are many other paid resources available online that can help you learn Python programming. It’s important to find the resources that work best for you and your learning style.

Hello, I feel my expertise has allowed me to solve the most complicated problems for my clients and truly make their business more successful. I also writes code for software applications that run natively on operating systems like macOS, Windows, and Linux, and don't need to be connected to the internet.
I am expert in building automation such as website bot, discord bot, restock bot, automate bot.

Package : $200
I'll do web automation using python selenium and web scraping

3 Days Delivery
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Data source connectivity
  • API integration
  • Formatting & clean up
  • Source code