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I will build a custom next js or react portfolio

I will build a custom next js or react portfolio

Sure! Building a custom portfolio with Next.js or React can be a great way to showcase your skills and projects. Here are some steps you can follow:

Get build a custom next js or react portfolio

  • Start by creating a new Next.js or React project.
  • Choose a design that you like and that fits your needs. You can use a pre-built template or create your own design.
  • Add your projects to the portfolio. You can include screenshots, descriptions, and links to the live projects.
  • Add your skills and experience to the portfolio. You can include your resume, education, and work experience.
  • Deploy your portfolio to the web so that others can see it.

Here are some resources that can help you get started:

  1. How to Build a Portfolio Site with Next.js and TailwindCSS
  2. How to Build a Portfolio Website with React
  3. Next.js Responsive Portfolio Website Design Tutorial Using Next.js For …
  4. Complete Next.js with React & Node - Beautiful Portfolio App
  5. How to build your React portfolio projects like a pro - Part 1

The thing is you can't just build any project. Your portfolio has a purpose:

Your goal is to get a job.

Unfortunately, you'll hit one major roadblock on your journey: the Hiring Manager (capital letters).

They are the gatekeeper who makes the decisions. They invite you to an interview. Or toss your application in the trash. And believe me, they have piles of applications to trash for any entry-level job.

You need to convince the hiring manager that you're ready for the job.

And the best way to prove that is to act like a professional React developer.

Build your portfolio projects with the technologies, libraries, techniques, and workflows that are used in professional dev teams in the real world. The doors to your new career will be wide open.

Simple enough. Act like a professional dev...

But hold on. How should you know all this? You've never worked in a real company before, have you?

No worries. I got your back.

Unlike other articles, I don't just hand you a list of project ideas and call it a day. I want you to understand how you can tailor your projects to impress your future employer. Be it one of the ideas in this series of articles or one of your own.

What you'll get in this series

  • This guide consists of three parts.
  • In this first part, you'll learn how to build your projects like a pro. We'll touch on topics like professional workflows, styles, and application logic.
  • The upcoming second part will be all about effectively presenting your project. You've shed blood, sweat & tears for your portfolio project. Make sure that the hiring manager doesn't miss the important parts.
  • In the third part, you'll get a list of three uncommon project ideas: Reddit Analytics, a UI kit, and an error monitoring tool. Build any of these for an outstanding React portfolio.
  • I'll release the two remaining parts in the next days here on If you want to read all of them right away you can visit the original post at
Part 1: How to build your React portfolio projects like a pro
The idea sounds convincing: your future employer will be more likely to give you a shot if you build your portfolio projects like a pro.

You'll look ambitious. You'll prove that you're eager to learn and level up. Some of the most important traits of a Junior developer.

Unfortunately, this is a catch-22 situation: you don't know how to work like a pro until you've been part of a professional team.

Luckily, I've been on both sides. And I'd like to share my experience with you in this chapter.

We'll focus on the most important areas:

  • working like a pro
  • styles
  • application logic
  • Git
  • Working like a professional
  • There's a huge difference between working alone and on a professional team. In a team, your co-workers depend on your work the same way you depend on theirs. That's why you need to work with much more structure and transparency.
But let's start with a story of a lone developer building a project. This is me at the beginning of my career in tech. Be careful, you might recognize yourself.

When I built my first projects I started with an idea. Let's say an Airbnb for pet owners (no joke, I really built this).

I thought about the features it should have. The user should be able to create and update their profile. And there should be a list view that shows all the available apartments. Ideally searchable.

Fair enough. Off I went into code-land. That's the fun part after all, right?

Soon another interesting feature would pop into my head. I'd lose focus and start working on it straight away. Leaving me with a bunch of half-baked code. Entangled as the infamous spaghetti.

The layout was another kind of problem. I'd obviously have a look at Airbnb and similar competitors to get design ideas. Then I'd start writing CSS.

I'd fiddle around with my styles. I would move elements pixel by pixel. I'd change some colors here and increase some text size there. Make it bold, make it italic.

Only to find out that it's actually harder than expected to make a website look good...

You see the problem? I'd make a plan, yeah. But only a very rough one and only in my head. I'd waste a lot of time with unnecessary features and fiddling around with CSS details. And the awesome web app that I had in mind looked more like... ehm...

So how does working on a professional dev team compare to that?

Professional frontend developers get two things before they start coding:
  • tasks
  • designs.
  • In a real-world job, it's not the developer's responsibility to come up with features or designs. Typically a product manager decides what has to be built. And a designer prepares the designs.

It's the dev's job to turn them into working code.

The good news is, you can work the same way as the pros. You start with designs. Then create the tasks. Only then you start to code.

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