I will create web app using next js, react js, and typescript
I will create web app using next js, react js, and typescript
You have now finished creating a website with Next.js and React. You should now be able to: Bootstrap a new Next.js application; Create new pages in a Next.js
Get create web app using next js, react js, and typescript
To create a web app using Next.js, React.js, and TypeScript, you can follow these steps:
- Install Node.js and npm on your computer if you haven’t already done so.
- Create a new Next.js app using the command npx create-next-app my-app --typescript in your terminal.
- Navigate to the newly created app directory using cd my-app.
- Run npm run dev to start the development server.
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see your app running.
You can then start building your web app by creating new pages in a Next.js application, fetching data from an external API and displaying it on a Next.js page, and building and running a Next.js application in production1.
Next.js is a widely-used framework for building React applications that offer server-side rendering, automatic code-splitting, static exporting options, and easy production builds.
It also relieves a lot of the general headaches involved with creating production-ready React applications.
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to bootstrap a Next.js web application and add some basic components and features of a typical website.
Through that process, you’ll gain an understanding of how to use the framework.
Let’s get started!
- Prerequisites for creating a website with Next.js and React
- Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:
- Node.js installed on your local development machine.
- You can follow the instructions on the Node.js official download page to install Node.js.
Step 1 — Bootstrap a Next.js application
There are two ways to bootstrap a Next.js application. The first one is to use the create-next-app command. Like many popular frameworks, Next.js now has its own command to set up a Next.js project quickly and easily.
To start, we need to open a new terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T on Linux or Command+Space on Mac) and run:
npx create-next-app@latest
# or
yarn create next-app
Note: if we would like a TypeScript project, we need to add a --typescript flag at the end (i.e., yarn create next-app --typescript).
This command will prompt us for a project name. Once done, our new project will be accessible. We can run our Next.js project by running these commands:
cd your-project
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open your favorite browser and visit http://localhost:3000. We should see “Welcome to Next.js!” displayed on our screen.
The second method to create a Next.js project is to do it manually. To start with, we need to first create a project directory and install the required dependencies using npm (Node.js Package Manager).
Open a new terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T on Linux or Command+Space on Mac) and execute the command below to create a new project folder that will house your Next.js application (replace “your-project” with the name of your project):
mkdir your-project
Add cd into your new directory:
cd your-project
Next, run this command to create a package.json file in the root of your project:
npm init -y
# or
yarn init -y
This command creates a package.json file in the root of your project directory.
The -y flag initializes the file with default values.
The package.json file will allow you to easily install and use npm package dependencies in your project. It will also make things like sharing your project with other developers easier if you wish to do so in the future.
Check out the npm documentation if you want to learn more about the contents of the package.json file.
Now that we have a package.json file created, we can install the required npm package dependencies for your Next.js website.
To get started, we’ll need the Next, React, and react-dom npm packages.
You can install all of them at once with this command:
npm install next react react-dom
# or
yarn add next react react-dom
When those finish installing, you’ll notice that a new node_modules directory was created in your project.
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This directory stores all of the installed dependencies for your project.
If you look inside, you’ll notice that the three npm packages you installed and all of their sub-dependencies are in there.
In the future when you share your code with others, all of the packages in that list will be installed in the initial setup of the application or when the install command is run.
Now that we have your dependencies installed, we need a way to start your application.
Open your package.json file and replace the “scripts” section with this code:
[label package.json]
"scripts": {
"dev": "next dev"
The "dev" script is used to run the application when you’re in development mode.
This means your code will run with special error handling, hot-reloading, and other features that make the development process more pleasant.
Later on, we’ll add more scripts to this section to handle the production versions of your application.
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