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Natural Intelligence in the era of artificial intelligence

Laren More

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made tremendous advancements in recent years, revolutionizing various industries and transforming the way we live and work. However, amidst the growing dominance of AI, the significance of natural intelligence, which refers to the inherent cognitive abilities possessed by humans, should not be overlooked. In this essay, we will explore the role of natural intelligence in the era of artificial intelligence, highlighting its unique characteristics, advantages, and potential areas of synergy with AI.

Understanding Natural Intelligence

Natural intelligence encompasses the cognitive processes and abilities that humans possess, including perception, learning, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. It is shaped by evolution, experience, and innate capabilities, enabling humans to navigate complex situations, make judgments, and adapt to changing environments. Natural intelligence is marked by creativity, empathy, intuition, and a deep understanding of the nuances of human interaction.

Advantages of Natural Intelligence

While AI has made remarkable strides in performing specific tasks with speed and accuracy, natural intelligence holds several advantages that remain unmatched. Firstly, humans possess creative thinking and the ability to generate novel ideas by combining disparate pieces of information. This creative aspect of natural intelligence fuels innovation, critical thinking, and the ability to solve complex problems that require a multidimensional approach.

Secondly, natural intelligence is deeply rooted in empathy and emotional intelligence, which enables humans to connect with others on a deeply human level. Empathy allows us to understand and respond to the emotions of others, fostering collaboration, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Emotional intelligence is vital in various domains such as customer service, leadership, and healthcare, where understanding human emotions is crucial.

Thirdly, natural intelligence allows humans to adapt and learn from diverse experiences. Humans possess the ability to quickly assimilate new information, adapt to changing circumstances, and learn from mistakes. This adaptability gives humans an edge in dynamic environments where the rules are constantly evolving, making them well-suited to tackle unforeseen challenges and make decisions based on context and intuition.

Synergy between Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

While AI has its strengths, it can greatly benefit from the integration and synergy with natural intelligence. By combining the strengths of both, we can achieve unprecedented levels of problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity.

One area of synergy is in AI-assisted decision-making. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights, but human judgment is essential in interpreting the results and considering ethical implications. Natural intelligence can help identify potential biases, contextualize the information, and make decisions based on a broader range of factors, including ethical considerations, social impact, and long-term consequences.

Another domain where natural intelligence complements AI is in creative endeavors. While AI has shown remarkable abilities in generating art, music, and literature, it lacks the depth of emotional connection and contextual understanding that comes naturally to humans. By collaborating with AI systems, humans can leverage the computational power of AI to enhance their creative output while infusing it with the emotional depth and unique perspectives that only natural intelligence can provide.

Furthermore, natural intelligence can play a crucial role in AI system design and development. AI algorithms are created and trained by humans, and biases or unintended consequences can inadvertently be encoded into these systems. By involving individuals with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and perspectives, we can ensure that AI systems are ethically developed, aligned with human values, and considerate of the potential societal impact.

Preserving and Nurturing Natural Intelligence

As we embrace the benefits of artificial intelligence, it is imperative that we preserve and nurture natural intelligence. Education systems should focus not only on imparting technical skills but also on cultivating critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability. Encouraging interdisciplinary learning, promoting empathy, and fostering a growth mindset are key elements in nurturing natural intelligence in individuals.

Moreover, promoting a healthy balance between human and machine interaction is crucial. Excessive reliance on AI systems for decision-making or replacing human interaction entirely can erode natural intelligence over time. It is vital to strike a balance where AI augments human capabilities while recognizing and preserving the unique strengths of natural intelligence.


In the era of artificial intelligence, natural intelligence remains a valuable and indispensable asset. Its unique qualities of creativity, empathy, adaptability, and critical thinking enable humans to complement and enhance the capabilities of AI systems. By leveraging the synergies between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence, we can shape a future that combines the power of technology with the depth of human understanding, leading to more ethical, creative, and sustainable outcomes.