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Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Intermediate's FPS Tutorial

Welcome to the Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Intermediate's FPS Tutorial! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a First-Person Shooter (FPS) game using Unreal Engine 5's powerful Blueprint system. Whether you're an aspiring game developer or a seasoned pro, this tutorial will provide you with the essential knowledge to build an immersive FPS experience.


  • Before diving into this tutorial, it is assumed that you have a basic understanding of Unreal Engine 5 and its Blueprint system. Familiarity with game development concepts, such as level design, assets, and player controls, is also helpful but not required. If you're new to Unreal Engine, consider starting with some introductory tutorials to get a better grasp of the fundamentals.

Setting Up the Project

  • To get started, make sure you have Unreal Engine 5 installed on your computer. Create a new project and select the First-Person template. This will give you a basic FPS character to work with, allowing us to focus on intermediate concepts without worrying about building everything from scratch.

Character Movement

  • The first step in creating a compelling FPS experience is refining the character movement. We'll add sprinting functionality and create a stamina system to manage the player's energy during sprinting. We'll do this using Blueprints, Unreal Engine's visual scripting system.
  • Sprinting: Create a new Boolean variable named "bIsSprinting" inside the character Blueprint. Set up the input bindings for sprinting and implement the logic to enable and disable sprinting based on the player's input and stamina level.
  • Stamina System: Introduce a new Float variable named "Stamina" and set its default value. Create functions to handle decreasing and increasing stamina based on the character's actions. Implement logic to prevent sprinting when stamina is depleted and regenerate stamina when not sprinting.

Weapon System

  • An essential component of any FPS game is the weapon system. We'll implement a basic weapon system, allowing the player to equip and use weapons, switch between them, and manage ammunition.
  • Weapons Inventory: Create an array to store the different weapons available to the player. Implement functions to equip, unequip, and switch between weapons. Add visuals and animations to provide feedback to the player when switching weapons.
  • Shooting Mechanism: Set up the shooting mechanics for the selected weapon. Implement a "Fire" function that spawns bullets or projectiles, deals damage to enemies, and manages ammunition consumption.
  • Ammo Management: Create variables to track the player's current ammunition and implement logic to handle ammo pickups and reloading mechanics.

Enemies and Combat

  • What's an FPS without challenging enemies to fight against? Let's create some enemy characters and set up a basic combat system.
  • Enemy AI: Design basic AI behavior for the enemy characters, allowing them to detect the player, move towards them, and engage in combat.
  • Combat Mechanics: Implement health and damage systems for both the player and enemies. Create a user interface (UI) to display health and ammo information, along with visual cues for damage feedback.
  • Weapon Effects: Add visual and audio effects to the weapons to make combat feel satisfying and impactful.

Level Design and Environment

  • A well-designed level enhances the overall gaming experience. We'll create a simple level layout, add environmental assets, and create interactive elements.
  • Level Layout: Design a basic level with multiple rooms and corridors, providing opportunities for combat and exploration.
  • Environmental Assets: Populate the level with appropriate assets like furniture, decorations, and lighting to give the environment a polished look.
  • Interactive Elements: Implement interactive elements such as doors, buttons, and switches that affect the gameplay or open up new areas for the player to explore.

Polishing and Optimization

  • Lastly, we'll focus on polishing the game and optimizing it for performance.
  • Polish: Add sound effects, background music, and visual effects to enhance the game's atmosphere and immersion.
  • User Interface: Create a main menu and pause menu to allow players to start, pause, and exit the game. Design a game over screen for when the player loses all their health.
  • Optimization: Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in the game to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for players on various hardware configurations.


Congratulations! You've completed the Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Intermediate's FPS Tutorial. You now have the essential knowledge to create a basic FPS game using Unreal Engine 5's Blueprint system. Keep experimenting, iterating, and learning to take your game development skills to the next level. Happy game-making!

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