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Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer: Make An Online Co-op Game

The world of video game development has witnessed significant advancements over the years. With the advent of Unreal Engine 5, game developers now have access to a powerful and versatile toolset 

that allows them to create stunning and immersive experiences. In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage Unreal Engine 5's C++ capabilities to create an online co-op game. Multiplayer functionality adds a whole new dimension to game development, allowing players to connect and interact with each other in real-time. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the knowledge and skills to embark on your own multiplayer game development journey.

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Setting Up Unreal Engine 5

Before we dive into the specifics of multiplayer game development, let's start by setting up Unreal Engine 5 on your system. You can download Unreal Engine 5 from the official Epic Games website. Follow the installation instructions provided on the website to get Unreal Engine 5 up and running on your machine.

Creating a New Project

Once Unreal Engine 5 is installed, open it and create a new project. For this tutorial, we'll choose the "First Person" template as our starting point. Unreal Engine offers a variety of templates that serve as a foundation for different types of games, and the "First Person" template is suitable for our purposes.

Adding Multiplayer Support

To enable multiplayer support in your project, you'll need to make some adjustments to the project settings. Follow these steps:

Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Project Settings."

In the Project Settings window, navigate to the "Maps & Modes" section.

Under the "Default Modes" section, you'll find "Default GameMode." Set this to a custom GameMode that you will create to handle multiplayer logic later.

Creating the Multiplayer GameMode

Now, let's create a custom GameMode that will handle the multiplayer aspects of our game. Here's how to do it:

In the "Content" folder of your project, right-click and select "Create" -> "Blueprint Class."

In the Class Picker, search for and select "GameModeBase" as the parent class.

Name the new Blueprint Class something like "MyGameMode."

Open the "MyGameMode" Blueprint and navigate to the "Class Defaults" panel.

In the "Default Pawn Class" field, select a custom Pawn class that you will create for your game. This Pawn class represents the player character in your multiplayer game.

Creating the Multiplayer Pawn

The Pawn class is the player's representation in the game world. In a multiplayer game, each player will have their own Pawn. Follow these steps to create a custom Pawn class:

In the "Content" folder, right-click and select "Create" -> "Blueprint Class."

In the Class Picker, search for and select "Pawn" as the parent class.

Name the new Blueprint Class something like "MyPlayerPawn."

Open the "MyPlayerPawn" Blueprint and customize it to your liking. This is where you define the appearance and behavior of the player character.

Implementing Multiplayer Logic

Now that you have the basic setup for your multiplayer game, it's time to implement the multiplayer logic. Unreal Engine 5 provides a powerful networking framework that makes it relatively straightforward to create multiplayer experiences.

Here are some key concepts and steps to keep in mind:

Replication: Replication is the process of synchronizing game state across multiple clients in a multiplayer game. To replicate variables or functions, you can use Unreal's built-in replication system. For example, you can mark variables with the "Replicated" keyword to ensure they are synchronized across all players.

Remote Function Calls: Unreal Engine allows you to call functions on remote objects, which is essential for multiplayer interactions. You can use the "Server" and "Client" keywords to specify which functions should be executed on the server or client side.

Networking Events: Unreal Engine provides networking events that can be used to trigger actions when specific network events occur, such as a player joining the game or disconnecting.

Game State: Managing the game's state is crucial in multiplayer games. Unreal Engine provides a Game State class that can be used to store and replicate important game data, such as player scores, objectives, and more.

Testing Your Multiplayer Game

Testing your multiplayer game can be done in several ways:

Play in Editor: You can test your multiplayer game in the Unreal Engine editor by launching multiple clients. This allows you to simulate a local multiplayer experience for testing and debugging.

Standalone Mode: You can also package your game in standalone mode and run multiple instances on the same machine for testing purposes.

Online Testing: To test your game with remote players, you'll need to set up an online testing environment. Unreal Engine supports various online subsystems, including Steam, Epic Online Services, and custom implementations.

Dedicated Servers: For a more scalable multiplayer experience, consider setting up dedicated servers to host your game. Unreal Engine provides tools and documentation to help you deploy and manage dedicated servers.


Unreal Engine 5 offers a robust set of tools and features for creating online co-op games with C++. While this tutorial provides a high-level overview of the process, multiplayer game development is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. It requires a deep understanding of networking, replication, and game design principles.

As you embark on your journey to create an online co-op game with Unreal Engine 5, remember that practice and experimentation are essential. Continuously test your game, gather feedback, and iterate on your design to create an engaging and enjoyable multiplayer experience for players around the world. With dedication and creativity, you can bring your multiplayer game ideas to life and share them with a global audience. Good luck, and happy game development!

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