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ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing (CT-GaMe): Mock Exam Set

Certainly! Below is a set of mock exam questions for the ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing (CT-GaMe) certification. These questions cover various aspects of game testing, including methodologies, testing types, and industry practices. Use these questions to assess your knowledge and readiness for the CT-GaMe certification exam.

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Question 1:

Scenario: You are testing a first-person shooter game. The game involves complex graphics and realistic physics. What type of testing would be most suitable for ensuring that the game responds accurately to player actions and maintains a consistent frame rate?

a) Performance Testing

b) Usability Testing

c) Compatibility Testing

d) Regression Testing

Question 2:

Scenario: A game development team is using an agile development approach, and they release a new version of the game every two weeks. As a game tester, what type of testing would you prioritize to ensure the continuous integration and delivery of the game?

a) Smoke Testing

b) Exploratory Testing

c) Acceptance Testing

d) Alpha Testing

Question 3:

In the context of game testing, what is the primary purpose of localization testing?

a) Ensuring the game works on different platforms

b) Verifying that the game follows industry standards

c) Testing the game in different languages and cultural contexts

d) Identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities in the game

Question 4:

Scenario: You are testing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The game server experiences heavy traffic during peak hours, leading to occasional connection issues for players. What type of testing would be most effective in identifying and resolving these server-related problems?

a) Load Testing

b) Stress Testing

c) Security Testing

d) Usability Testing

Question 5:

What is the purpose of a test case in game testing?

a) To document the game's design and architecture

b) To track defects and issues found during testing

c) To provide guidelines for game development

d) To create a roadmap for the game's release

Question 6:

Scenario: You are testing a mobile game that supports both iOS and Android platforms. The game's performance is excellent on the latest flagship devices, but there are complaints about lag on older models. What type of testing should be performed to address this issue?

a) Compatibility Testing

b) Performance Testing

c) Usability Testing

d) Regression Testing

Question 7:

What is the main purpose of using version control systems in game development and testing?

a) To store and manage different versions of the game's source code

b) To control access to the game servers

c) To track the performance of individual testers

d) To automate the game testing process

Question 8:

Scenario: You are testing a virtual reality (VR) game that requires special hardware. During testing, you discover that the game crashes frequently when players use a particular VR headset. What type of testing should be conducted to address this specific hardware compatibility issue?

a) Integration Testing

b) Alpha Testing

c) Hardware Compatibility Testing

d) Beta Testing

Question 9:

In the context of game testing, what is the primary goal of security testing?

a) To identify and fix gameplay-related bugs

b) To ensure the game's compliance with legal regulations

c) To protect the game against unauthorized access and exploits

d) To optimize the game's performance on different devices

Question 10:

What is the purpose of conducting regression testing during the game development lifecycle?

a) To verify the functionality of new features

b) To ensure backward compatibility with previous game versions

c) To validate the game's compliance with industry standards

d) To test the game's performance under heavy load

Question 11:

Scenario: The game development team is implementing a new feature that allows players to customize their in-game characters. What type of testing should be conducted to ensure that this feature works as intended and does not introduce any new defects?

a) Alpha Testing

b) Usability Testing

c) Functional Testing

d) Exploratory Testing

Question 12:

In game testing, what is the purpose of user acceptance testing (UAT)?

a) To validate that the game meets the specified requirements

b) To test the game's performance under different network conditions

c) To ensure the game's compatibility with various operating systems

d) To gather feedback from actual users and stakeholders

Question 13:

Scenario: The game development team is planning to release a major update for the game. As a tester, what type of testing should be prioritized to ensure that existing game functionalities are not affected by the update?

a) Alpha Testing

b) Beta Testing

c) Regression Testing

d) Load Testing

Question 14:

What is the primary purpose of conducting exploratory testing in game testing?

a) To execute predefined test cases systematically

b) To uncover defects through spontaneous and ad-hoc testing

c) To perform load testing on the game servers

d) To validate the game's compliance with security standards

Question 15:

Scenario: A game development team is using the Agile Scrum framework. The team consists of developers, testers, and a product owner. During the sprint review, the product owner identifies a critical issue in the game. What is the most appropriate next step for the testing team?

a) Conduct an emergency regression testing cycle

b) Log the issue and prioritize it for the next sprint

c) Ignore the issue if it does not affect the game's core functionality

d) Request additional resources to fix the issue immediately

Question 16:

In the context of game testing, what is the purpose of beta testing?

a) To validate the game against the specified requirements

b) To gather feedback from a select group of external users

c) To test the game's performance under heavy load

d) To identify and fix defects during the development phase

Question 17:

Scenario: A game development team is using the waterfall model for the game development lifecycle. What type of testing activities would be conducted during the testing phase of the waterfall model?

a) Continuous Integration Testing

b) System Testing

c) Usability Testing

d) Exploratory Testing

Question 18:

What is the primary purpose of conducting load testing in game testing?

a) To identify and fix defects in the game's source code

b) To ensure the game's compatibility with different devices

c) To validate the game's performance under heavy user traffic

d) To gather feedback from actual users and stakeholders

Question 19:

Scenario: The game development team is planning to release a patch to address several bugs and performance issues. As a game tester, what type of testing should be prioritized to ensure that the patch effectively resolves the identified issues without introducing new defects?

a) Alpha Testing

b) Beta Testing

c) Regression Testing

d) Security Testing

Question 20:

What is the primary purpose of conducting security testing in game development?

a) To optimize the game's performance on different devices

b) To identify and fix defects in the game's source code

c) To protect the game against unauthorized access and exploits

d) To validate the game's compliance with industry standards

Question 21:

Scenario: A game development team is working on a cross-platform game that will be released on PC, console, and mobile devices. What type of testing should be conducted to ensure that the game performs consistently across different platforms?

a) Usability Testing

b) Compatibility Testing

c) Performance Testing

d) Regression Testing

Question 22:

In game testing, what is the primary goal of performance testing?

a) To ensure the game's compatibility with different devices

b) To validate the game's compliance with industry standards

c) To identify and fix defects in the game's source code

d) To assess the game's responsiveness, speed, and stability under various conditions

Question 23:

Scenario: The game development team is introducing a new multiplayer mode that allows players to compete in real-time. What type of testing should be prioritized to ensure the smooth functioning of the multiplayer mode and minimize latency issues?

a) Load Testing

b) Stress Testing

c) Performance Testing

d) Compatibility Testing

Question 24:

What is the main purpose of conducting usability testing in game development?

a) To validate the game's compliance with industry standards

b) To identify and fix defects in the game's source code

c) To assess the game's user interface and overall user experience

d) To test the game's performance under heavy load

Question 25:

Scenario: A game development team is using a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. What type of testing would be integrated into the CI/CD process to identify and address defects early in the development lifecycle?

a) Alpha Testing

b) Regression Testing

c) Exploratory Testing

d) User Acceptance Testing (UAT)


a) Performance Testing

a) Smoke Testing

c) Testing the game in different languages and cultural contexts

b) Stress Testing

b) To track defects and issues found during testing

b) Performance Testing

a) To store and manage different versions of the game's source code

c) Hardware Compatibility Testing

c) To protect the game against unauthorized access and exploits

c) To validate the game's compliance with industry standards

c) Functional Testing

d) To gather feedback from actual users and stakeholders

c) Regression Testing

b) To uncover defects through spontaneous and ad-hoc testing

b) Log the issue and prioritize it for the next sprint

b) To gather feedback from a select group of external users

b) System Testing

c) To validate the game's performance under heavy user traffic

c) Regression Testing

c) To protect the game against unauthorized access and exploits

b) Compatibility Testing

d) To assess the game's responsiveness, speed, and stability under various conditions

a) Load Testing

c) To assess the game's user interface and overall user experience

b) Regression Testing

These mock exam questions cover a range of topics related to game testing, providing a comprehensive test of your knowledge and understanding of key concepts in the field. Use these questions as a tool for self-assessment and preparation for the ISTQB Certified Tester Game Testing (CT-GaMe) certification exam. Good luck!

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