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Make a 2D Action Platformer in Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5, the latest iteration of Epic Games' renowned game development engine, has revolutionized the world of game development with its cutting-edge features and capabilities. In this tutorial, we will embark on a journey to create a 2D action platformer using Unreal Engine 5. This guide assumes a basic understanding of the engine's interface and concepts, so if you're new to Unreal Engine, it's recommended to familiarize yourself with its basics first.

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Setting Up Unreal Engine 5:

Before we dive into the creation of our 2D action platformer, let's ensure that Unreal Engine 5 is properly set up on your machine. Visit the official Unreal Engine website, download the latest version, and follow the installation instructions. Once installed, launch the engine and create a new project.

Choosing a Template:

Unreal Engine 5 offers a variety of project templates to kickstart your development process. For our 2D action platformer, select the "Side Scroller" template. This template provides a solid foundation for a platformer game and comes with pre-configured settings for 2D gameplay.

Importing Assets:

Next, let's gather the necessary assets for our game. You can create your own sprites or download them from various online resources. Ensure that your assets align with the visual style and theme of your game. Once you have your assets ready, import them into Unreal Engine 5.

Create a new folder in the Content Browser to organize your assets efficiently. Import your character sprite sheets, background images, platforms, and any other elements required for your game.

Setting Up the Player Character:

Now, let's set up the player character. In the "Content Browser," right-click and choose "Create Basic Asset" -> "Blueprint Class." Select the "Character" class as the parent class and name it "BP_PlayerCharacter."

Open the newly created blueprint and go to the "Viewport" tab. Add a "Sprite" component for the player character. Assign the imported sprite sheet as the texture for the sprite.

In the "Event Graph," set up the basic movement controls using nodes like "Add Movement Input" and "Set Velocity." Implement features like jumping and double jumping based on your game design.

Designing the Level:

Create a new folder for levels in the "Content Browser" and start building your game world. Drag and drop platforms, background elements, and any other necessary assets onto the level grid. Use the tilemap system in Unreal Engine 5 to easily create 2D environments.

Implementing Enemies and Obstacles:

To add excitement to your action platformer, incorporate enemies and obstacles. Create enemy blueprints and use AI controllers or behavior trees to define their movement patterns. Place obstacles strategically to challenge the player's navigation skills.

Adding Game Mechanics:

Consider adding various game mechanics to enhance the player's experience. Implement power-ups, collectibles, and interactive objects. Use blueprints to define the behavior of these elements, such as granting the player temporary invincibility or unlocking new abilities.

Polishing and Fine-Tuning:

Once the basic elements are in place, it's time to polish your game. Fine-tune the controls, adjust the level design for optimal gameplay, and add visual and audio effects to create a more immersive experience. Pay attention to details such as animations, particle effects, and sound cues.

Testing and Debugging:

Regularly playtest your game to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Unreal Engine 5 provides robust debugging tools, allowing you to track and resolve issues efficiently. Iterate on your design based on playtest feedback to ensure a smooth and enjoyable player experience.

Optimizing for Performance:

As your game nears completion, focus on optimizing its performance. Unreal Engine 5 offers various optimization tools and settings to ensure your game runs smoothly on a variety of hardware configurations. Consider features like level-of-detail (LOD) for assets and efficient collision detection.


Creating a 2D action platformer in Unreal Engine 5 is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Leveraging the engine's powerful tools and features, you can bring your game ideas to life with stunning visuals and engaging gameplay. This guide provides a foundational framework for your project, but feel free to experiment, explore, and add your unique touch to make your game truly stand out in the world of game development. Happy coding!

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