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Create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike in Godot 4

Create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike in Godot 4

In this course you will learn how to create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike similar to games like Nuclear Throne or Enter the gungeon.

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Creating a procedurally generated 2D roguelike in Godot 4 involves several key steps, including setting up the project, creating the player character, generating the game world procedurally, and adding enemies and items. Below, I'll guide you through these steps in detail to help you build a basic roguelike game.

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

  1. Install Godot 4: Ensure you have Godot 4 installed on your machine. You can download it from the official Godot website.

  2. Create a New Project: Open Godot and create a new project. Name it "ProceduralRoguelike" or something similar. Choose a suitable directory for your project and click "Create & Edit".

  3. Project Structure:

    • Create the following directories in your project:
      • Scenes: For storing all the scene files.
      • Scripts: For storing all the GDScript files.
      • Assets: For storing sprites and other assets.

Step 2: Creating the Player Character

  1. Player Scene: Create a new scene for the player character.

    • Right-click on the Scenes folder, select New Scene.
    • Add a KinematicBody2D node as the root and name it "Player".
    • Add a Sprite node as a child of the Player node to represent the player visually.
    • Add a CollisionShape2D node as a child of the Player node for collision detection. Choose a shape that fits your sprite.
  2. Player Script: Attach a script to the Player node.

    • Right-click the Player node, select Attach Script, save it in the Scripts folder, and name it

    • Write the following script to handle player movement:

      extends KinematicBody2D @export var speed = 200 func _physics_process(delta): var velocity = Vector2.ZERO if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"): velocity.x += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"): velocity.x -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"): velocity.y += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"): velocity.y -= 1 velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed move_and_slide(velocity)
  3. Input Map: Define the input actions in the project settings.

    • Go to Project -> Project Settings -> Input Map.
    • Add actions ui_up, ui_down, ui_left, and ui_right and assign the corresponding arrow keys or WASD keys.

Step 3: Procedural Generation

  1. Dungeon Scene: Create a new scene for the dungeon.

    • Create a new scene with a Node2D root and name it "Dungeon".
    • Save this scene in the Scenes folder.
  2. Dungeon Script: Attach a script to the Dungeon node.

    • Save the script as in the Scripts folder.

    • Write the following script to generate a simple grid-based dungeon:

      extends Node2D @export var width = 10 @export var height = 10 @export var tile_size = 32 var tiles = [] var player func _ready(): generate_dungeon() place_player() func generate_dungeon(): # Clear any existing tiles for tile in tiles: tile.queue_free() tiles.clear() for y in range(height): for x in range(width): var tile = create_tile(x, y) tiles.append(tile) func create_tile(x, y): var tile = add_child(tile) tile.position = Vector2(x, y) * tile_size return tile func place_player(): player = add_child(player) player.position = Vector2(width / 2, height / 2) * tile_size
  3. Tile Scene: Create a tile scene for the dungeon floor.

    • Create a new scene with a Node2D root and name it "Tile".
    • Add a Sprite node to represent the floor tile.
    • Save the scene in the Scenes folder.
    • In the script, replace with load("res://Scenes/Tile.tscn").instance() to instantiate the tile.

Step 4: Adding Enemies and Items

  1. Enemy Scene: Create an enemy scene.

  2. Enemy Script: Attach a script to the Enemy node.

    • Save it as in the Scripts folder.

    • Write basic enemy behavior, such as moving towards the player:

      extends KinematicBody2D @export var speed = 100 var player func _ready(): player = get_parent().get_node("Player") func _physics_process(delta): if player: var direction = (player.position - position).normalized() move_and_slide(direction * speed)
  3. Spawn Enemies: Modify the script to spawn enemies.

    • Add an export variable for the number of enemies:

      @export var num_enemies = 5
    • Add a function to spawn enemies randomly in the dungeon:

      func spawn_enemies(): for i in range(num_enemies): var enemy = load("res://Scenes/Enemy.tscn").instance() add_child(enemy) enemy.position = Vector2(randi() % width, randi() % height) * tile_size
    • Call spawn_enemies() in the _ready() function.

  4. Item Scene: Create an item scene.

    • Create a new scene with a Area2D root and name it "Item".
    • Add a Sprite and CollisionShape2D node.
    • Save the scene in the Scenes folder.
  5. Item Script: Attach a script to the Item node.

    • Save it as in the Scripts folder.

    • Write the script to handle item pickup:

      extends Area2D func _on_Item_body_entered(body): if body is Player: body.collect_item(self) queue_free() func _ready(): connect("body_entered", self, "_on_Item_body_entered")
  6. Player Item Collection: Modify the script to handle item collection.

    • Add a function to collect items:

      func collect_item(item): print("Collected item:", item)

Step 5: Final Touches

  1. Main Scene: Create a main scene to bring everything together.

    • Create a new scene with a Node2D root and name it "Main".
    • Instance the Dungeon scene into the main scene.
    • Save the scene and set it as the main scene in Project -> Project Settings -> Run.
  2. Testing: Run the game to test the procedural generation, player movement, enemy behavior, and item collection.


This basic outline covers the fundamental steps to create a procedurally generated 2D roguelike game in Godot 4. From setting up the player character and dungeon generation to adding enemies and items, each component plays a crucial role in creating a dynamic and engaging roguelike experience. Experiment with different procedural generation techniques, enemy behaviors, and item mechanics to expand and enhance your game further.