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Learn to Create a Multiplayer shooter in Unity using Netick

Learn to Create a Multiplayer shooter in Unity using Netick

 Build a 3D Professional Online Multiplayer Game In Unity using Netick! Learn Netick networking with C#, 2024 Guide!

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Creating a multiplayer shooter game in Unity can be a rewarding experience, especially with the powerful networking capabilities offered by libraries like Netick. This guide will walk you through the basics of setting up a multiplayer shooter game using Unity and Netick. We'll cover the initial setup, player movement, shooting mechanics, and synchronization across the network.

1. Setting Up Your Project

1.1 Installing Unity and Netick

First, ensure you have Unity installed on your computer. You can download it from the Unity website. Once Unity is installed, create a new project and choose the 3D template.

Next, you'll need to add Netick to your project. Netick is a high-level networking library that simplifies the process of creating multiplayer games. You can add it to your project via the Unity Package Manager or by downloading it from its official repository and importing it into your Unity project.

1.2 Project Structure

Organize your project by creating the following folders in the Assets directory:

  • Scripts: For all your C# scripts.
  • Prefabs: For your reusable game objects.
  • Materials: For storing materials used in your game.
  • Scenes: For different levels or scenes in your game.

2. Creating the Player

2.1 Player Prefab

Create a simple player GameObject. Start by creating a Capsule and naming it "Player." This will serve as the player's character. Add a Camera as a child of the Player object, positioning it to simulate a first-person view.

2.2 Player Movement Script

Create a new script named PlayerMovement and attach it to the Player GameObject. Here's a simple script for player movement:

using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 5f; public float rotationSpeed = 700f; private CharacterController characterController; void Start() { characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); } void Update() { float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); Vector3 move = transform.right * horizontal + transform.forward * vertical; characterController.Move(move * speed * Time.deltaTime); float mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * mouseX); } }

2.3 Character Controller

Add a CharacterController component to your Player GameObject. This component will handle the player's physical interactions with the environment.

3. Adding Shooting Mechanics

3.1 Shooting Script

Create a new script named PlayerShoot and attach it to the Player GameObject. This script will handle shooting logic:

using UnityEngine; public class PlayerShoot : MonoBehaviour { public float damage = 10f; public float range = 100f; public Camera fpsCamera; void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { Shoot(); } } void Shoot() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(fpsCamera.transform.position, fpsCamera.transform.forward, out hit, range)) { Debug.Log(; Target target = hit.transform.GetComponent<Target>(); if (target != null) { target.TakeDamage(damage); } } } }

3.2 Target Script

Create a new script named Target and attach it to any GameObject you want to be destructible. Here's a simple implementation:

using UnityEngine; public class Target : MonoBehaviour { public float health = 50f; public void TakeDamage(float amount) { health -= amount; if (health <= 0f) { Die(); } } void Die() { Destroy(gameObject); } }

4. Implementing Netick for Multiplayer Functionality

4.1 Initializing Netick

Create a new script named NetickManager to handle the initialization of Netick:

using UnityEngine; using Netick; public class NetickManager : MonoBehaviour { private NetickClient client; private NetickServer server; void Start() { server = new NetickServer(); client = new NetickClient(); server.StartServer(); client.StartClient(); } }

4.2 Synchronizing Player Movement

Modify the PlayerMovement script to synchronize movement across the network. First, add the necessary Netick namespaces:

using Netick; using Netick.Core;

Then, update the PlayerMovement script:

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour, INetSerializable { public float speed = 5f; public float rotationSpeed = 700f; private CharacterController characterController; private Vector3 networkPosition; private float networkRotation; void Start() { characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); } void Update() { if (NetickNetwork.IsClient) { float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); Vector3 move = transform.right * horizontal + transform.forward * vertical; characterController.Move(move * speed * Time.deltaTime); float mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * mouseX); networkPosition = transform.position; networkRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; } else { transform.position = networkPosition; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, networkRotation, 0); } } public void Serialize(NetickWriter writer) { writer.Write(networkPosition); writer.Write(networkRotation); } public void Deserialize(NetickReader reader) { networkPosition = reader.ReadVector3(); networkRotation = reader.ReadFloat(); } }

4.3 Synchronizing Shooting

Similarly, update the PlayerShoot script to synchronize shooting across the network:

public class PlayerShoot : MonoBehaviour, INetSerializable { public float damage = 10f; public float range = 100f; public Camera fpsCamera; private bool isShooting; void Update() { if (NetickNetwork.IsClient) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { isShooting = true; Shoot(); } } } void Shoot() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(fpsCamera.transform.position, fpsCamera.transform.forward, out hit, range)) { Debug.Log(; Target target = hit.transform.GetComponent<Target>(); if (target != null) { target.TakeDamage(damage); } } } public void Serialize(NetickWriter writer) { writer.Write(isShooting); } public void Deserialize(NetickReader reader) { isShooting = reader.ReadBool(); if (isShooting) { Shoot(); } } }

5. Testing Your Game

5.1 Building and Running

To test your game, build and run multiple instances of it. You should see that the players can move and shoot, and their actions are synchronized across the network.

5.2 Debugging

Check the Unity Console for any errors or warnings. Debugging networked games can be challenging, so use plenty of log statements to track what's happening in your game.


Creating a multiplayer shooter game in Unity using Netick involves setting up your player, implementing movement and shooting mechanics, and synchronizing these actions across the network. While this guide provides a basic framework, there's much more to explore and customize in your game. You can add features like health systems, different weapons, and more complex environments.

By understanding the basics covered here, you're well on your way to developing more sophisticated multiplayer games. Happy coding!