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Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: Step-by-Step Space Shooter Game


Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints: Step-by-Step Space Shooter Game

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Creating a space shooter game using Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) Blueprints can be a rewarding project that combines creativity and technical skills. Blueprints provide a visual scripting system that allows you to implement game logic without needing to write code. This guide will take you through the essential steps to create a basic space shooter game.

1. Setting Up Your Project

  1. Launch Unreal Engine 5: Open the Epic Games Launcher and launch Unreal Engine 5.
  2. Create a New Project: Select "Games" and then "Next". Choose the "Blank" template, set the project type to "Blueprint", and click "Next".
  3. Configure Project Settings: Name your project (e.g., "SpaceShooter"), choose a save location, and click "Create".

2. Importing Assets

You will need assets such as the player spaceship, enemy ships, projectiles, and background elements. You can create these assets using 3D modeling software or download free assets from the Unreal Marketplace.

  1. Import Assets: In the Content Browser, click "Import" and select your 3D models, textures, and sounds.
  2. Organize Assets: Create folders to organize your assets (e.g., Meshes, Textures, Sounds).

3. Creating the Player Ship

  1. Create a New Blueprint Class: Right-click in the Content Browser, select Blueprint Class, and choose Actor. Name it BP_PlayerShip.

  2. Add Components:

    • Add a Static Mesh Component for the spaceship model.
    • Add a Spring Arm Component and attach a Camera Component to it for the player view.
  3. Set Up Input Controls:

    • Open Project Settings and go to Input.
    • Create new Axis Mappings for MoveForward and MoveRight.
    • In BP_PlayerShip, use these axis mappings to move the spaceship. Implement the movement logic in the Event Graph using Add Movement Input.
Event MoveForward (Axis Value) -> Add Movement Input (Target: Self, Direction: Get Actor Forward Vector, Scale Value: Axis Value) Event MoveRight (Axis Value) -> Add Movement Input (Target: Self, Direction: Get Actor Right Vector, Scale Value: Axis Value)
  1. Shooting Mechanism:
    • Create a Projectile blueprint (BP_Projectile).
    • In BP_PlayerShip, set up an Input Action for shooting (e.g., Fire).
    • Implement logic to spawn BP_Projectile at the ship's location.
Event Fire -> Spawn Actor from Class (Class: BP_Projectile, Spawn Transform: Get Actor Transform)

4. Creating Enemies

  1. Create Enemy Blueprint: Create a new Blueprint Class named BP_EnemyShip.
  2. Add Components: Add a Static Mesh Component for the enemy model.
  3. Movement Logic: Implement a simple movement pattern using the Event Tick to move the enemy ship.
Event Tick (Delta Seconds) -> Add Actor Local Offset (X: -100 * Delta Seconds, Y: 0, Z: 0, Sweep: True)
  1. Spawning Enemies:
    • Create an EnemySpawner blueprint.
    • Use Event BeginPlay to set up a timer that spawns enemies at intervals.
Event BeginPlay -> Set Timer by Event (Time: 2.0, Looping: True) -> Custom Event (Spawn Enemy) -> Spawn Actor from Class (Class: BP_EnemyShip, Spawn Transform: Random Location)

5. Collision and Scoring

  1. Collision Detection:
    • Ensure that both BP_Projectile and BP_EnemyShip have collision components.
    • In BP_Projectile, implement OnComponentHit to detect collisions with enemy ships.
OnComponentHit (Other Actor: BP_EnemyShip) -> Destroy Actor (Target: Self) -> Destroy Actor (Target: Other Actor)
  1. Scoring System:
    • Create a GameInstance blueprint to store the player's score.
    • Update the score whenever an enemy is destroyed.
OnComponentHit (Other Actor: BP_EnemyShip) -> Get GameInstance -> Cast to MyGameInstance -> Increment Score

6. UI Elements

  1. Create a UI Widget:

    • Create a User Interface -> Widget Blueprint and name it BP_HUD.
    • Design the HUD to display the player's score.
  2. Displaying the HUD:

    • In BP_PlayerShip, add logic to create and display the HUD widget.
Event BeginPlay -> Create Widget (Class: BP_HUD) -> Add to Viewport
  1. Updating the Score:
    • In BP_HUD, bind the score text to the score value in the GameInstance.
Event Tick (Delta Seconds) -> Get GameInstance -> Cast to MyGameInstance -> Get Score -> Set Text (Score Text)

7. Enhancements

  1. Power-ups:

    • Create power-up blueprints that provide temporary boosts (e.g., increased fire rate).
    • Implement logic to spawn power-ups and handle player interaction.
  2. Advanced Enemy Patterns:

    • Add more complex movement and attack patterns to the enemy ships using AI behaviors.
  3. Background and Visual Effects:

    • Add a scrolling background to give the illusion of movement.
    • Implement particle effects for explosions and projectiles.
  4. Audio:

    • Add sound effects for shooting, explosions, and background music.

8. Testing and Debugging

  1. Playtesting:

    • Regularly test your game to ensure that all mechanics work as expected.
    • Pay attention to the difficulty level and make adjustments to balance the game.
  2. Debugging:

    • Use UE5’s debugging tools to identify and fix any issues.
    • Check collision settings, input mappings, and Blueprint logic.

9. Packaging the Game

  1. Project Settings:
    • Ensure all project settings are correctly configured for your target platform.
  2. Build and Package:
    • Use the File -> Package Project option to build and package your game for distribution.


Creating a space shooter game with Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints involves setting up the project, creating and configuring Blueprints for the player, enemies, projectiles, and UI, and enhancing the game with additional features like power-ups and sound effects. This step-by-step guide provides a comprehensive approach to building a basic yet enjoyable space shooter game, leveraging the powerful visual scripting capabilities of Unreal Engine 5. With continued practice and exploration, you can expand this foundation to create more complex and engaging games.