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Blender Basics Geometry Node Brick Walls Workshop

Blender Basics Geometry Node Brick Walls Workshop

Blender Geometry Node Course - Master realistic 3D walls with Blender's powerful Geometry Node capabilities

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Blender, a powerful and versatile 3D creation suite, has become a go-to tool for artists, designers, and hobbyists worldwide. One of the most exciting and relatively recent additions to Blender's arsenal is the Geometry Nodes system. This system allows for procedural generation of geometry, offering incredible flexibility and control. In this workshop, we will explore how to use Geometry Nodes to create brick walls, a fundamental architectural element that can be both simple and complex depending on the design requirements.

Understanding Geometry Nodes

Before diving into creating brick walls, it’s important to grasp the basics of Geometry Nodes. Geometry Nodes is a node-based system that lets you create and manipulate geometry procedurally. This means that instead of manually modeling every detail, you can set up a series of rules and parameters to generate geometry. This approach is especially powerful for creating repetitive structures like brick walls.

Setting Up Your Workspace

  1. Open Blender: Start by opening Blender and creating a new project. Make sure you are using a version that supports Geometry Nodes, such as Blender 3.0 or later.
  2. Switch to Geometry Nodes Workspace: You can either use the default workspace or switch to the Geometry Nodes workspace, which provides a convenient layout for working with nodes.
  3. Add a Geometry Nodes Modifier: Select your object (it can be a simple plane or a cube to start with), go to the Modifiers tab, and add a Geometry Nodes modifier.

Creating the Base Geometry

  1. Create a Plane: Begin with a plane, which will serve as the base for our brick wall. This plane will be subdivided to accommodate the individual bricks.
  2. Add Geometry Nodes Modifier: With the plane selected, add a Geometry Nodes modifier and click on the "New" button to create a new node tree.
  3. Subdivide the Plane: Use the "Subdivide" node to split the plane into a grid. This grid will represent the individual bricks.

Constructing Bricks

  1. Grid Node: Start by adding a Grid node. This will create a grid of points which will act as the base positions for our bricks.
  2. Instance on Points: Use the "Instance on Points" node to place brick geometry at each point of the grid. For simplicity, you can start with a simple cube as the brick.
  3. Scale and Adjust: Use a "Transform" node to adjust the size and proportions of the bricks to match the desired dimensions. Bricks typically have a width-to-height ratio of about 2:1.

Adding Variations

  1. Randomize Position: To make the wall look more natural, add slight random variations to the position of each brick. Use a "Random Value" node connected to a "Vector Math" node to add small offsets.
  2. Vary Rotation and Scale: Similarly, you can use random values to vary the rotation and scale of each brick slightly. This step can add realism by simulating the imperfections found in real brick walls.

Creating Mortar

  1. Separate Bricks and Mortar: To create the mortar between bricks, you can use the original grid and offset the bricks slightly. The gaps between the bricks will represent the mortar.
  2. Adjust Thickness: Control the thickness of the mortar by adjusting the scale of the bricks and the spacing between them. A "Vector Math" node can be used to fine-tune these values.
  3. Assign Materials: Use material assignments to give the mortar and bricks different appearances. Create a material for the bricks with a suitable texture and color, and another for the mortar.

Advanced Techniques

  1. Custom Brick Shapes: Instead of simple cubes, you can use more complex shapes for the bricks. Model a single brick with the desired level of detail, then use the Geometry Nodes system to instance this model across the grid.
  2. Brick Patterns: Experiment with different brick patterns such as running bond, stacked bond, or herringbone. This can be achieved by adjusting the placement and orientation of the bricks within the grid.
  3. Adaptive Detailing: Use proximity-based detailing to add more detail to bricks that are closer to the camera. This technique can help optimize performance while maintaining visual quality.

Basics Geometry

Finalizing the Scene

  1. Lighting: Set up lighting to enhance the appearance of your brick wall. Use realistic lighting setups such as an HDRI environment map or a combination of area and point lights to create depth and shadows.
  2. Texturing and Materials: Refine the materials for both bricks and mortar. Utilize texture maps for color, bump, and roughness to add realism. You can find or create textures that mimic the surface of real bricks and mortar.
  3. Rendering: Adjust your render settings for the final output. Ensure that the resolution, sampling, and denoising settings are optimized for a balance between quality and performance.

Practical Application

Now that you have a procedural brick wall, consider how this technique can be applied in various projects:

  1. Architectural Visualization: Use the brick wall in architectural renders to add realism to buildings and structures.
  2. Game Development: Incorporate procedurally generated brick walls into game environments to save time on manual modeling.
  3. Animation: Animate the parameters of the Geometry Nodes to create dynamic effects, such as walls building up over time or bricks falling and rearranging.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Reuse Node Groups: Save commonly used node setups as groups to reuse in other projects. This can significantly speed up your workflow.
  2. Experiment with Parameters: Don’t hesitate to play with different parameters and node combinations. Geometry Nodes is a flexible system that rewards experimentation.
  3. Learn from Examples: Study example files and tutorials created by other artists. The Blender community is very active and shares a wealth of knowledge and resources.


Creating brick walls using Blender's Geometry Nodes is an excellent way to learn procedural modeling while producing useful and realistic assets. This workshop has covered the foundational steps to set up a basic brick wall, but the potential for customization and complexity is vast. By experimenting with different node setups, patterns, and details, you can create a wide variety of brick wall designs suited to your specific needs. Blender's Geometry Nodes system opens up new possibilities for creativity and efficiency in 3D modeling, making it an invaluable tool for modern digital artists.