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Learn How To Make A 2D Platformer In Unreal Engine 5

Learn How To Make A 2D Platformer In Unreal Engine 5

This course will go from A-Z on how to build a complete 2d platformer with enemies collectibles, pickups, menu systems and more. You will go from a completely ..

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Creating a 2D platformer game in Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) can be an incredibly rewarding experience. UE5, known for its cutting-edge technology and robust features, primarily focuses on 3D game development. However, it also offers excellent tools for developing 2D games. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to create a simple 2D platformer game in UE5, even if you’re a beginner.

Setting Up Your Project

1. Install Unreal Engine 5

Before you start, ensure you have Unreal Engine 5 installed on your computer. You can download it from the Epic Games Launcher. Once installed, open the launcher and create a new project.

2. Create a New Project

  • Open Unreal Engine.
  • Select “New Project.”
  • Choose the “Blank” template for maximum flexibility.
  • Set the project to “Blueprint” (recommended for beginners).
  • Set your desired project location and name, then click “Create.”

3. Setting Up for 2D Development

While Unreal Engine 5 is geared toward 3D games, it supports 2D development through its Paper2D plugin.

  • Go to the “Edit” menu and select “Plugins.”
  • Search for “Paper2D” and enable it.
  • Restart the engine to apply changes.

Designing Your Character

4. Importing Sprites

Sprites are essential for 2D games, representing characters, backgrounds, and objects.

  • Find or create your character sprite sheets. Websites like offer free resources.
  • Import your sprite sheets into UE5 by dragging them into the Content Browser.
  • Right-click on the imported sprite sheet, select “Sprite Actions,” and then “Extract Sprites.” Adjust the grid size if necessary, then extract.

5. Creating a Character Blueprint

  • In the Content Browser, right-click and create a new Blueprint Class.
  • Choose “PaperCharacter” as the parent class.
  • Open your new Blueprint and name it (e.g., “BP_Player”).

6. Adding a Sprite Component

  • Open your character Blueprint.
  • In the Components tab, click “Add Component” and select “Sprite.”
  • Assign the desired sprite to the Sprite component.
  • Adjust the size and position as necessary.

2D Platformer

7. Setting Up Animation

For a platformer, you'll need animations such as idle, run, and jump.

  • Import your animation sprites.
  • Right-click in the Content Browser and create Flipbooks for each animation.
  • In your character Blueprint, add a Flipbook component for each animation.
  • Create variables to control which Flipbook is currently active (e.g., “Idle Animation,” “Run Animation”).

8. Adding Character Controls

You need to set up input controls to move your character.

  • Go to “Edit” -> “Project Settings” -> “Input.”
  • Under “Bindings,” add action mappings for “Jump” and axis mappings for “MoveRight.”
  • Open your character Blueprint and add logic to handle these inputs.
  • Use nodes like “Add Movement Input” for walking and “Jump” for jumping.

Building the Level

9. Creating Tilemaps

Tilemaps form the levels in a 2D platformer.

  • Right-click in the Content Browser, go to Paper2D, and create a Tilemap.
  • Open the Tilemap Editor and design your level using tiles.
  • Save and place the Tilemap in your level.

10. Adding Collisions

For your character to interact with the environment properly, set up collisions.

  • Open your Tilemap and ensure that collision is enabled for relevant tiles.
  • In the Tilemap Editor, use the Collision tab to define collision shapes.

11. Designing Platforms and Obstacles

Use a combination of Tilemaps and Sprites to design various platforms and obstacles.

  • Create separate Tilemaps for static platforms and moving platforms.
  • Place these Tilemaps in the level and adjust their positions.

12. Adding Backgrounds

A visually appealing background enhances the game's aesthetic.

  • Import your background sprite.
  • Create a Sprite Actor for the background and place it behind your level.
  • Use multiple layers of backgrounds for a parallax effect.

Implementing Gameplay Mechanics

13. Character Movement and Physics

Fine-tuning your character’s movement is crucial for a good platforming experience.

  • Open your character Blueprint and tweak movement variables like “Max Walk Speed” and “Jump Z Velocity.”
  • Test and iterate until the character feels responsive.

14. Collectibles and Power-ups

Add gameplay elements like coins or power-ups to make the game interesting.

  • Import sprite assets for collectibles.
  • Create a Blueprint for each collectible type.
  • Add logic to handle player interactions, such as adding points or granting abilities.

15. Enemies and Hazards

Enemies and hazards add challenge to your platformer.

  • Import enemy sprites and create a Blueprint for each enemy type.
  • Implement basic AI to move enemies and detect collisions with the player.
  • Create hazards like spikes or pits using sprites and colliders.

User Interface and Polish

16. Creating a HUD

A heads-up display (HUD) provides essential information to the player.

  • Create a Widget Blueprint for the HUD.
  • Design elements like health bars, score counters, and timers.
  • Add the Widget to the viewport in your game mode Blueprint.

17. Adding Sound Effects and Music

Sound enhances the player’s experience.

  • Import audio files for background music and sound effects.
  • Create sound cues for different events (e.g., jumping, collecting items).
  • Add Audio components to your Blueprints and trigger sounds through events.

18. Playtesting and Iteration

Test your game thoroughly to find and fix bugs.

  • Playtest the game yourself and get feedback from others.
  • Adjust gameplay elements based on feedback.
  • Iterate on level design, controls, and mechanics for a polished experience.

Finalizing and Packaging

19. Optimizing Performance

Ensure your game runs smoothly on target platforms.

  • Use UE5’s profiling tools to monitor performance.
  • Optimize sprite resolution, collision complexity, and script efficiency.

20. Packaging Your Game

Once your game is polished and tested, it’s time to share it with the world.

  • Go to “File” -> “Package Project.”
  • Select your target platform and configure packaging settings.
  • Package the project and distribute the build.

21. Publishing Your Game

Consider releasing your game on platforms like, Steam, or mobile app stores.

  • Prepare marketing materials like screenshots and trailers.
  • Follow the submission guidelines for your chosen platform.


Creating a 2D platformer in Unreal Engine 5 can be a fun and educational journey. By following these steps, you’ll gain hands-on experience in game development, from setting up your project to designing levels and implementing gameplay mechanics. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to mastering game development. So, keep refining your skills, and soon you’ll be creating even more complex and exciting games. Happy developing!