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Unreal engine 5:Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate)

Unreal engine 5:Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate)

Intermediate course for Having advanced animations for triple A advance locomotion system or ALS with Advance UI and PCG.

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Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) is a powerful tool for game development, offering an array of features that facilitate the creation of stunning visuals and immersive experiences. One of the most significant aspects of game development is character movement, and this is where the Advanced Locomotion System (ALS) comes into play. ALS provides a comprehensive framework for realistic and dynamic character movement. In this intermediate guide, we will explore the intricacies of implementing and customizing ALS in Unreal Engine 5.

Understanding ALS

The Advanced Locomotion System is a plugin that enhances the basic movement capabilities in Unreal Engine. It introduces a range of advanced features such as dynamic foot placement, climbing, and nuanced animation transitions, which are crucial for creating believable characters in a game world. ALS focuses on realism and fluidity, making characters move in a way that feels natural to players.

Setting Up ALS in UE5

To begin using ALS in UE5, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Download the ALS plugin from the Unreal Engine Marketplace or the ALS GitHub repository. Once downloaded, install it into your UE5 project by placing the plugin folder into your project’s Plugins directory.

  2. Enabling the Plugin: Open your project in UE5 and navigate to Edit > Plugins. In the Plugins window, search for the ALS plugin and enable it. Restart the editor to complete the installation.

  3. Project Configuration: After restarting, ensure that your project is configured to use ALS by setting up the necessary inputs and character settings. This involves assigning input actions for movement, jumping, sprinting, and other locomotion-related actions in the Project Settings.

Basic Implementation

With ALS enabled, you can start integrating it into your project. Here’s how to set up a basic character using ALS:

  1. Create a Character Blueprint: Go to the Content Browser and create a new Blueprint Class. Choose Character as the parent class and name it something like ALSCharacter.

  2. Add ALS Components: Open the newly created ALSCharacter Blueprint. Add the necessary ALS components, such as the ALS_CharacterMovementComponent and ALS_AnimationComponent, to handle advanced movement and animations.

  3. Setup Animation Blueprint: ALS comes with a pre-configured Animation Blueprint. Assign this Animation Blueprint to your character by going to the Mesh component, and under the Animation section, select the ALS Animation Blueprint.

  4. Configure Input Mappings: Ensure that your input mappings correspond to ALS requirements. This includes mappings for movement, sprinting, aiming, and other actions. You can set these in Project Settings > Input.

  5. Test the Character: Place your ALSCharacter in the level and press play. You should see the character moving with advanced animations and interactions.

Customizing ALS

One of the strengths of ALS is its customizability. You can tweak and extend it to fit your specific needs. Here are some common customizations:

  1. Animation Customization: While ALS provides a robust set of animations, you might want to add your own. To do this, create your animations and integrate them into the ALS Animation Blueprint. Ensure transitions are smooth and correspond to the character’s state.

  2. Movement Customization: Adjusting the character’s movement speed, jump height, and other parameters can be done through the ALS_CharacterMovementComponent. You can create custom movement modes or tweak existing ones to fit your game’s mechanics.

  3. Adding New States: If your game requires unique character states (e.g., swimming, flying), you can extend ALS by adding new states to the state machine. This involves creating new animations, blending them correctly, and integrating them into the existing state logic.

  4. Foot IK Adjustments: ALS uses Inverse Kinematics (IK) for realistic foot placement. You can adjust the IK settings to ensure the character’s feet correctly align with different terrains. This may involve tweaking the ALS_AnimInstance or adding custom IK logic.

Intermediate Techniques

For more advanced usage, consider the following techniques:

  1. Procedural Animation: Combine ALS with procedural animation techniques for scenarios like complex climbing or custom environmental interactions. This involves scripting and possibly extending the animation system to handle dynamic scenarios.

  2. Networked Multiplayer: Ensure ALS works smoothly in a networked environment. This requires understanding replication and ensuring that all movement and animation data is correctly synchronized across clients and the server.

  3. Advanced Animation Blending: Utilize advanced blending techniques to create more natural transitions between animations. This might involve using blend spaces, montages, and layered blending to handle complex interactions.

  4. Customization through Blueprints and C++: While Blueprints are powerful, integrating ALS with C++ can offer more control and performance optimization. This involves creating custom C++ classes that extend ALS functionality and offer finer control over character behavior.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  1. Performance Issues: Advanced animation systems can be performance-intensive. Optimize by simplifying collision settings, reducing unnecessary calculations, and using Level of Detail (LOD) for animations.

  2. Animation Glitches: Ensure all animations are correctly rigged and retargeted if you’re using custom models. Debug animation blueprints to identify and fix blending or transition issues.

  3. Input Lag: If input feels laggy, check the input handling logic and ensure that there’s no unnecessary delay between input detection and character response.

  4. Network Desynchronization: In multiplayer, ensure all character movement and state changes are correctly replicated. Use Unreal’s networking tools to debug and synchronize character states.


Implementing and customizing the Advanced Locomotion System in Unreal Engine 5 can significantly enhance the realism and responsiveness of your characters. By following the setup process, customizing animations and movements, and applying intermediate techniques, you can create a sophisticated locomotion system tailored to your game’s needs. ALS provides a solid foundation, but its true power lies in its flexibility and extensibility, enabling you to craft unique and immersive gameplay experiences.