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Introduction to Unreal Engine 5.5 for Absolute Beginners

Introduction to Unreal Engine 5.5 for Absolute Beginners

Learn step by step how to create a simple project in Unreal Engine 5

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What you'll learn

  • Learn the the most basic operations you will use in Unreal Engine 5
  • Create a simple game mechanic using Blueprints
  • Learn how to model and create level prototypes
  • Learn how to use instances to create games and worlds faster

Unreal Engine 5 is the leading technology when it comes to real time applications such as games, movies, architectural visualizations, and much more.

The tool while easy to use is hard to master, and it can be intimidating at first to create your first project when you have no experience on 3D or programming.

This is what this course is about, to turn you into a complete stranger from knowing nothing about games and Unreal Engine to make you confident in your ability to create using this tool.

You will learn how to navigate in the Editor, getting familiar with the most common operations and moving on you will learn how to model inside Unreal Engine 5 to create quick prototypes of your levels. 

Later you will create a simple house by applying different principles like UVs, Materials and Level Instance Blueprints.

As you continue to create your world you will be adding more functionality by creating a Lamp that comes with some lights, a door that opens and closes automatically and movable platforms where you can control their direction and speed so that the player can jump to reach the objective.

By the end of this project you will feel confident in your ability to start tackling more complex projects in Unreal Engine 5 by applying the fundamentals of game development.

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