The Complete NLP & GPT-4 Course: Real-World Python Projects
The Complete NLP & GPT-4 Course: Real-World Python Projects
Accredited Badges in Prompt Eng, GPT, RAG++, NLP and more. Subtitles: English, Spanish, Hindi, Mandarin, French, Arabic
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What you'll learn
- All lectures have Subtitle options: English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Hindi, Arabic
- Project: Make A Recipe Generator As you Learn to Get, Install and Use OpenAI's API & GPT-4 with Python
- Project : Create An Interactive Storyteller Application With GPT-4, using OpenAI API with Python. Understand How GPT Works: Apply The Math of Self-Attention
- Project: Create Personalized Marketing Campaigns with Python and GPT-4
- Project : Calculate Financial Risk for investing in companies like Tesla, NIO, by analyzing market sentiment with news data. Apply NER and SpaCY Models
- Project: Scrape A Website Using Beautiful Soup To Gather Data And Create Your Own Dataset of Book Reviews
- Project: Custom Chatbot For Online Bookstore Using OpenAI API and GPT-4. Train your chatbot on the scraped data that you obtained from the project before
- Project: Make A Travel Itinerary to learn about RAG++ & LLM integration, with Python
- Project: Netflix Recommendation System
- Project: Use Spacy In A Name Entity Recognition Practical, Using Python in Google Colab
- Get Accredited Badges To Use on LinkedIn To Showcase Skills In Python, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, GPT, Transformers, Hugging Face
- Learn to craft personalized marketing content using Python and GPT-4, creating tailored messages that resonate with different customer personas for campaigns
- Learn The Logic & Math Formulas Behind GPT
- Master NLP fundamentals and advanced transformer models like GPT-4 to power real-world AI solutions.
- Use OpenAI API to create interactive chatbots and generate engaging content.
- Libraries: Hugging Face, NLTK, SpaCy, Keras, Sci-kit Learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch
- Deep Learning: Neural Networks, RNN, LSTM Theory & Practical Projects
- Cosine-Similarity & Vectors
- A Python Guide Chapter For Beginners - Learn Python Fundamental Basics like: what is a Function, a Library
- No Tedious Anaconda or Jupyter Installs: Use Modern Google Colab Cloud-Based Notebooks for using Python
- Linguistics Foundation To Help Learn NLP Concepts
- Use Matplotlib to Output A Visual Graph To Illustrate Financial Risk of Investing In Companies
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